Smooth Tests of Goodness

of Fit
Using R
second edition

by J.C.W. Rayner, O. Thas and D.J. Best
University of Newcastle, Australia
Ghent University, Belgium


This link provides an R-file that contains all the data sets. You should run this R file once, and all data will be available in the R system. The data sets are also included in the R package.

The separate data sets can also be downloaded from the links below. They are in .csv format.

  1. Bullet dice.csv (Weldon’s dice data)

  2. Bullet lifetimes.csv (lifetimes data)

  3. Bullet polonium.csv (polonium data)

  4. Bullet prusian.csv (Prusian army data)

  5. Bullet river.csv (river data)

  6. Bullet tensile.csv (tensile strength data)

  7. Bullet PCB.csv (chemical concentration data)

  8. Bullet birth.csv (birth-time data)

  9. Bullet artificial1.csv (artificial series 1 data)

  10. Bullet artificial2.csv (artificial series 2 data)

  11. Bullet artificial3.csv (artificial series 3 data)

  12. Bullet industrial4.csv(industrial series 4 data)

  13. Bullet industrial5.csv(industrial series 5 data)

  14. Bullet industrial6.csv(industrial series 6 data)

  15. Bullet cells.csv (bacterial cells data)

  16. Bullet stems.csv (black bean aphid data)

  17. Bullet lamb.csv (foetal lamb movements)

  18. Bullet FairIsle.csv (annual maximum December temperatures at Fair Isle)

  19. Bullet aluminium.csv (aluminium defects data)

  20. Bullet lamp.csv (life testing of incandescent lamps)

  21. Bullet flood.csv (flood heights)

  22. Bullet sea.csv (Port Pirie annual maximum December sea levels)


Order Information


Supplementary Material

Here you can find all data sets that have been analysed in the book.

R-code used to produce the examples presented in the book.

This link brings you to the webpage that contains the R-package for doing smooth testing. Links to Fortran code are also provided.

Table of Contents
The table of contents of the book. 

Related Projects

Links to relevant papers and projects related to smooth tests.

About the Autors

More information on the authors. 


Order Information


Supplementary Material

Here you can find all data sets that have been analysed in the book.

R-code used to produce the examples presented in the book.

This link brings you to the webpage that contains the R-package for doing smooth testing. Links to Fortran code are also provided.

Table of Contents
The table of contents of the book. 

Related Projects

Links to relevant papers and projects related to smooth tests.

About the Authors

More information on the authors. 
